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RYSL Fundraising

Public·121 members

Torrentalldatav1052alldataautorepair [UPD]

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torrentalldatav1052alldataautorepair on #!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- \"\"\" Created on Fri Mar 9 01:19:33 2020 \"\"\" import os import os.path import json import tempfile import time import random import six import requests import uuid import logging import src.session import src.utils from src.utils import pprint random.seed(int(time.time())) import src.metrics.wmi.aspects import src.metrics.wmi.utils as wmi_utils \"\"\"docstring for Session \"\"\" # init logger with group Session logger = logging.getLogger(\"Session\") logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) formatter = logging.Formatter(\"[%(levelname)s] %(message)s\") handler = logging.StreamHandler() handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(handler) logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) \"\"\" This is a dictionary, which contains information about the messages and requests in the AS of this session. A dict().iter_entries() is used to iterate the messages in an AS. \"\"\" class temp_session_data_type(object): \"\"\"docstring for temp_session_data_type\"\"\" # type object to use when data is present for temp object, defaults to dict. _to_dict = dict class Session(object): \"\"\"docstring for Session\"\"\" def __init__(self): self.session_id = uuid.uuid4() self.session_name = uuid.uuid4().hex self.error_count = 0 self.aspect_name = None self.metrics_dict = self.log_level = logging.NOTSET self.logger = logging.getLogger(\"Session\") if os.environ.get(\"MONGO_INSECURE\"): self.logger.setLevel(logging.WARNING) else: self.logger.setLevel(logging.INFO) self.session_id = uuid.uuid4() self.session_name = uuid.uuid4().hex self.id2aspect_name = self.aspect_name2id = self.aspect_name2id_map = self.aspect_name_map = self.delete_stats = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() self. 3d9ccd7d82


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