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Linkin Park, Live In Texas Full Album Zip

Linkin Park, Live In Texas Full Album Zip ->->->->

Linkin Park, Live In Texas Full Album Zip

The network allowed Jay-Z to choose a group or artist for the mash-up. Jay contacted Shinoda, who began experimenting with mixing the tracks before sending some examples to him. As a result, Jay-Z began working with Shinoda through email. The two decided that instead of combining the existing tracks for the live performance on MTV, they wanted to re-work and re-record parts of the songs to make them fit better. Shinoda explains, "Jay and I realized it's better to re-perform the rap vocals if you're gonna do it to a new beat because the vibe changes and you have to deliver your verse a little differently."[5] Shinoda asked his bandmates to re-record instrumental and vocal tracks as well, and ultimately both parties decided they wanted to release the studio tracks.[5] The entire album was put together within four days.[6]

"Points of Authority", the fourth track on the album, has its own music video that can be found on Frat Party at the Pankake Festival, the band's first DVD. Drummer Rob Bourdon describes the recording process of the song: "Brad wrote this riff, then went home. Mike decided to cut it up into different pieces and rearranged them on the computer [...] Brad had to learn his own part from the computer." Regarding the song, Delson praised Shinoda's skill, describing him as "a genius" and "Trent Reznor-talented".[14] On live performances of the song, when Shinoda raps the line, "Forfeit the game" verse for the third time in the song, Bennington would rap the verse along with Mike.[30]

Pre-orders for the album went live with announcement of the contents of its release. It contains various content from the Hybrid Theory era, including the original album, the band's remix album Reanimation, Hybrid Theory EP, and various B-sides, demos, live tracks, and remixes. Most of the tracks have been previously released on singles, extended plays, and via the Linkin Park Underground fan club, while other tracks are being released for the first time on this compilation.[108] Various editions of the release were offered, including on CDs and vinyl. It was released on October 9, 2020.

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