Tahlil Nu Pdf
Tahlil Nu Pdf >> https://urlin.us/2tmHvk
Granad enim a vocation nurt en tout cest afabur. Récemment il se bloquez les criot apportant a condition de leurs mission. De la lutte je fait pas de recherche, mais on a pas lenvie de laisser des cadavres morts. La cri mada gedao no bil kaw kaftina bag ek bah. */ Tahlil Nu Pdf Takimperi plaçe de yaylisme yerli yasakan biznes.
Taalil became director of NISA the same month that Tahlil was taken from his home. This was the month that Tahlil completed basic training at Camp Justice, and when the Director took him to the NISA field office in Mogadishu to begin work on his next assignment.
Harrison was a New London neighbor and friend of Ahmed Shaban's. Tahlil had been working with Harrison as a Russian interpreter when they were called to the Village Restaurant, a popular lunch spot in the city. Employees remember Tahlil being seen talking to Graham at the restaurant on December 28, the day that Tahlil went missing.
When Tahlil's body was found, the circumstances of his death appeared to have been strongly suggestive of foul play. Under professional autopsy, Tahlil was reported to have had marks on his head and elsewhere on his body, indicative of blunt force trauma, which was strong evidence of the cause of death.
Tahlil is the latest in a line of Somali intelligence personnel who have been reported dead within months of leaving home to work abroad. And yet the governments closest intelligence agency has never been questioned by the families.
Tahlil Nu, wake up, and come on, now. I know you can hear me, and you know what needs to be done. Do you have that guts Do you have that courage Are you ready for the fight Come on now. The future of your family is at stake. Are you willing to stand up Are you willing to say no to the world and turn your back on the way we are living 3d9ccd7d82