Arrow Of God
Albert Chinualumogu Achebe was born on November 16, 1930 in Ogidi, Nigeria. He studied English, history and theology at University College in Ibadan from 1948 to 1953. After receiving a second-class degree, he taught for a while before joining the Nigeria Broadcasting Service in 1954. He was working as a broadcaster when he wrote his first two novels, and then quit working to devote himself to writing full time. Unfortunately his literary career was cut short by the Nigerian Civil War. During this time he supported the ill-fated Biafrian cause and served abroad as a diplomat. He and his family narrowly escaped assassination. After the civil war, he abandoned fiction for a period in favor of essays, short stories, and poetry. His works include Things Fall Apart, Arrow of God, No Longer at Ease, A Man of the People, Anthills of the Savannah, and There Was a Country. He also wrote four children's books including Chike and the River and How the Leopard Got His Claws. In 2007, he won the Man Booker International Prize for his "overall contribution to fiction on the world stage." He also worked as a professor of literature in Nigeria and the United States. He died following a brief illness on March 21, 2013 at the age of 82.
The interpretation of this symbolical act is simple enough. God will save; deliverance is of the Lord, but it must be accomplished by human instrumentality. Joash must take the bow and arrows, but the hands of Joash cannot make the arrow speed, save as Elisha, the representative of God, puts his hands there. So the man, divinely strengthened by God, shoots the arrow and the deliverance comes.
I would, dear friends, that I could so speak to-night as to give the members of this Church a very high and noble ambition to do much and to get much for God; to get much grace; to have much holiness; to do much work. In fine, I wish I could bring them into such a state of heart as the prophet wished to see in Joash; that they would take the arrows, and shoot them off.
Monitor journalism changes lives because we open that too-small box that most people think they live in. We believe news can and should expand a sense of identity and possibility beyond narrow conventional expectations.
You may wonder if refining is even necessary, and, if so, what that process entails. It is essential. The Holy Spirit is the only one able to prepare and equip you; His training is not easy and requires effort and patience from each of us. Spiritual maturity does not come through a prayer line or impartation but is walked out in each of our lives. There are prophetic principles we can learn from the arrow-making process that will apply to our lives.
I am your arrow oh God, prepare me no matter how difficult the process that I may hit my target this coming year. Make me that vessel of honor fit for Your use. I am in the quiver waiting, but I will sing here, for You will soon launch me into your divine purpose for Your good pleasure.
Ezeulu, headstrong chief priest of the god Ulu, is worshipped by the six villages of Umuaro. But he is beginning to find his authority increasingly under threat - from his rivals in the tribe, from those in the white government and even from his own family. Yet he still feels he must be untouchable - surely he is an arrow in the bow of his God Armed with this belief, he is prepared to lead his people, even if it means destruction and annihilation. Yet the people will not be so easily dominated. Spare and powerful, Arrow of God is an unforgettable portrayal of the loss of faith, and the struggle between tradition and change. Continuing the epic saga of the community in Things Fall Apart, it is the second volume of Achebe's African trilogy, and is followed by No Longer at Ease. more Format ebook 59ce067264