Pwd Maharashtra Red Book Pdf
In addition, some farmers relied on other farmers and social media, such as Facebook groups where veterinarians respond to general questions, for their antibiotic recommendations rather than seeking out traditional veterinary care.
pwd maharashtra red book pdf
In 2014, several of the authors of this article contributed to the development of an online book, developed in response to a resurgence of interest in CHWs at that time, entitled Developing and Strengthening Community Health Worker Programs at Scale: A Reference Guide and Case Studies for Program Managers and Policymakers [16]. They were concerned that the cycle seen over the period from the 1970s to the 1990s might recur. Over that period there was at first renewed interest in CHWs, which was followed by inadequately financed and poorly planned programmes, causing weak programme performance and the eventual abandonment of the programmes altogether, as happened with the Village Health Guides programme in India [17] and other programmes.
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