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Josiah Thomas
Josiah Thomas

Panduan Lengkap Rpp dan Silabus Bahasa Inggris Tata Boga SMK: Konsep, Prinsip, Langkah, dan Contoh

- Why are they important for teaching and learning English in tata boga smk? - What are the objectives and benefits of this article? H2: Rpp and Silabus for English in Tata Boga SMK - What are the components and characteristics of rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk? - How to develop and implement rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk? - What are some examples of rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk? H3: Rpp for English in Tata Boga SMK - What are the steps and elements of rpp for English in tata boga smk? - How to design rpp for English in tata boga smk based on the curriculum, competencies, indicators, learning materials, methods, media, assessment, and reflection? - What are some tips and tricks for creating effective and engaging rpp for English in tata boga smk? H4: Rpp 1 Lembar for English in Tata Boga SMK - What is rpp 1 lembar and how is it different from the conventional rpp? - What are the advantages and disadvantages of using rpp 1 lembar for English in tata boga smk? - How to create rpp 1 lembar for English in tata boga smk using the template and format provided by the Ministry of Education? H3: Silabus for English in Tata Boga SMK - What are the functions and contents of silabus for English in tata boga smk? - How to arrange silabus for English in tata boga smk based on the scope, sequence, allocation, and integration of the learning topics? - What are some sources and references for developing silabus for English in tata boga smk? H4: Silabus Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017/2018 for English in Tata Boga SMK - What is silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018 and how is it different from the previous curriculum? - What are the features and changes of silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018 for English in tata boga smk? - How to adapt silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018 for English in tata boga smk to suit the needs and characteristics of the students and teachers? H2: Conclusion - Summarize the main points and findings of the article. - Provide some recommendations and suggestions for improving rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk. - Invite feedback and comments from the readers. H2: FAQs - List five frequently asked questions about rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk. - Provide brief and clear answers to each question. ## Article with HTML formatting Introduction

If you are a teacher or a student of tata boga smk (vocational high school of culinary arts), you might be familiar with the terms rpp and silabus. Rpp stands for rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran (lesson plan), while silabus stands for syllabus. Both are essential documents that guide the teaching and learning process of any subject, including English.

rpp dan silabus bahasa inggris tata boga smk

In this article, we will discuss everything you need to know about rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk. We will explain what they are, why they are important, how to develop and implement them, and what are some examples of them. We will also cover some tips and tricks for creating effective and engaging rpp and silabus that can help you achieve your learning goals.

By reading this article, you will be able to understand the concepts and principles of rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk. You will also be able to apply them in your own classroom or study environment. You will also be able to evaluate and improve your own rpp and silabus based on the feedback and suggestions provided.

Rpp and Silabus for English in Tata Boga SMK

Rpp and silabus are two interrelated documents that form the basis of any teaching and learning activity. They provide a clear direction, structure, standard, and evaluation for both teachers and students. They also ensure that the learning outcomes are aligned with the curriculum, competencies, indicators, materials, methods, media, assessment, and reflection.

To develop and implement rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk, you need to follow some steps and procedures that involve planning, designing, executing, monitoring, evaluating, revising, and reporting. You also need to consider some factors that influence the quality and effectiveness of your rpp and silabus, such as the needs analysis, situational analysis, contextual analysis, learner analysis, teacher analysis, etc.

To give you a better idea of what rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk look like, we will provide some examples of them below. These examples are based on the official documents issued by the Ministry of Education or other reputable sources. However, you can always modify or customize them according to your own preferences or circumstances.

Rpp for English in Tata Boga SMK

Rpp is a document that describes the plan or scenario of a specific learning activity or session. It contains information such as the subject, grade level, semester, meeting number, time allocation, theme/topic/subtopic, competency standard/basic competency/learning indicator/objective/outcome/achievement indicator (depending on the curriculum), learning material/content/concept/skill/attitude/value (depending on the subject), learning method/strategy/approach/model (depending on the objective), learning media/resource/tool/device/material (depending on the method), learning assessment/instrument/criteria/indicator/technique (depending on the outcome), learning reflection/action/follow-up/enrichment/remedial (depending on the evaluation).

To design rpp for English in tata boga smk, you need to follow these steps:

  • Analyze the curriculum document or guideline that specifies the competency standards/basic competencies/learning indicators/objectives/outcomes/achievement indicators for each grade level/semester/theme/topic/subtopic of English subject.

  • Select or determine one or more competency standards/basic competencies/learning indicators/objectives/outcomes/achievement indicators that you want to achieve or measure in one learning session or activity.

  • Choose or formulate one or more learning materials/contents/concepts/skills/attitudes/values that correspond or relate to the selected competency standards/basic competencies/learning indicators/objectives/outcomes/achievement indicators.

  • Pick or devise one or more learning methods/strategies/approaches/models that suit or match the chosen learning materials/contents/concepts/skills/attitudes/values and the selected competency standards/basic competencies/learning indicators/objectives/outcomes/achievement indicators.

  • Select or prepare one or more learning media/resources/tools/devices/materials that support or facilitate the picked learning methods/strategies/approaches/models and the chosen learning materials/contents/concepts/skills/attitudes/values.

  • Create or design one or more learning assessments/instruments/criteria/indicators/techniques that evaluate or measure the achieved competency standards/basic competencies/learning indicators/objectives/outcomes/achievement indicators.

  • Plan or organize one or more learning reflections/actions/follow-ups/enrichments/remedials that review or improve the learned competency standards/basic competencies/learning indicators/objectives/outcomes/achievement indicators.

To create effective and engaging rpp for English in tata boga smk, you need to consider these tips:

  • Make sure that your rpp is clear, concise, complete, coherent, consistent, and correct.

  • Make sure that your rpp is relevant, realistic, rigorous, responsive, and reflective.

  • Make sure that your rpp is flexible, adaptable, modifiable, and customizable.

  • Make sure that your rpp is creative, innovative, original, and unique.

  • Make sure that your rpp is interactive, collaborative, cooperative, and communicative.

- Make sure that your rpp is fun, enjoyable, motivating, and inspiring.

To give you an example of rpp for English in tata boga smk, here is a sample of rpp 1 lembar for English in tata boga smk.

Rpp 1 Lembar for English in Tata Boga SMK

Rpp 1 lembar is a simplified version of rpp that only consists of one page or sheet. It is based on the regulation or policy issued by the Ministry of Education in 2019. It aims to reduce the workload and bureaucracy of teachers and to promote more freedom and creativity in teaching and learning. It also encourages more student-centered and inquiry-based learning approaches.

To use rpp 1 lembar for English in tata boga smk, you need to follow this format:










Time Allocation


2 x 45 minutes



Culinary Arts/Basic Cooking Skills/Knife Skills

Competency Standard/Basic Competency/Learning Indicator/Objective/Outcome/Achievement Indicator


3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.3.1.1 Menyusun teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.- Menyusun teks prosedur sederhana tentang cara menggunakan pisau dapur dengan benar dan aman.- Menulis teks deskriptif sederhana tentang jenis-jenis pisau dapur dan fungsinya.- Menyajikan teks prosedur dan deskriptif secara lisan atau tertulis dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang komunikatif, akurat, dan kohesif.

Learning Material/Content/Concept/Skill/Attitude/Value


- The definition and importance of knife skills in culinary arts.- The types and functions of kitchen knives.- The safety rules and precautions for using kitchen knives.- The techniques and methods for cutting, slicing, dicing, chopping, mincing, etc. with kitchen knives.- The descriptive and procedure text structures and language features.

Learning Method/Strategy/Approach/Model


- Inquiry-based learning.- Cooperative learning.- Project-based learning.

Learning Media/Resource/Tool/Device/Material

:- Kitchen knives (real or simulated).- Cutting boards.- Fruits and vegetables.- Worksheets.- PowerPoint slides.- Videos.Learning Assessment/Instrument/Criteria/Indicator/Technique:- Written test (multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blanks, short answer) on the definition, types, functions, safety rules, and techniques of kitchen knives.- Performance assessment (checklist, rubric) on the ability to use kitchen knives to cut, slice, dice, chop, mince, etc. fruits and vegetables.- Product assessment (rubric) on the quality of the descriptive and procedure texts about kitchen knives and knife skills.- Presentation assessment (rubric) on the oral or written presentation of the descriptive and procedure texts about kitchen knives and knife skills.Learning Reflection/Action/Follow-up/Enrichment/Remedial:- Ask students to reflect on what they have learned, what they have difficulties with, and what they want to learn more about kitchen knives and knife skills.- Give feedback and suggestions to students on how to improve their knowledge and skills on kitchen knives and knife skills.- Assign students to do further research or practice on kitchen knives and knife skills at home or online.- Provide additional materials or exercises for students who need enrichment or remedial on kitchen knives and knife skills.

This is an example of rpp 1 lembar for English in tata boga smk. You can use it as a reference or inspiration for creating your own rpp 1 lembar. However, you should not copy or plagiarize it as it is unethical and unprofessional. You should also modify or customize it according to your own situation or context.

Silabus for English in Tata Boga SMK

Silabus is a document that describes the plan or outline of a series of learning activities or sessions for a certain subject. It contains information such as the subject, grade level, semester, theme/topic/subtopic, competency standard/basic competency, learning material/content/concept/skill/attitude/value, time allocation, learning method/strategy/approach/model, learning media/resource/tool/device/material, learning assessment/instrument/criteria/indicator/technique.

To arrange silabus for English in tata boga smk, you need to follow these steps:

  • Analyze the curriculum document or guideline that specifies the competency standards/basic competencies for each grade level/semester/theme/topic/subtopic of English subject.

  • Select or determine one or more themes/topics/subtopics that cover or relate to the competency standards/basic competencies for each grade level/semester.

  • Choose or formulate one or more learning materials/contents/concepts/skills/attitudes/values that correspond or relate to the selected themes/topics/subtopics and the competency standards/basic competencies.

  • Pick or devise one or more learning methods/strategies/approaches/models that suit or match the chosen learning materials/contents/concepts/skills/attitudes/values and the competency standards/basic competencies.

  • Select or prepare one or more learning media/resources/tools/devices/materials that support or facilitate the picked learning methods/strategies/approaches/models and the chosen learning materials/contents/concepts/skills/attitudes/values.

  • Create or design one or more learning assessments/instruments/criteria/indicators/techniques that evaluate or measure the achieved competency standards/basic competencies.

  • Estimate or allocate the time needed for each theme/topic/subtopic/activity/session.

  • Integrate or connect the themes/topics/subtopics/activity/session with other subjects or disciplines if possible.

To create effective and engaging silabus for English in tata boga smk, you need to consider these tips:

  • Make sure that your silabus is clear, concise, complete, coherent, consistent, and correct.

  • Make sure that your silabus is relevant, realistic, rigorous, responsive, and reflective.

  • Make sure that your silabus is flexible, adaptable, modifiable, and customizable.

  • Make sure that your silabus is creative, innovative, original, and unique.

  • Make sure that your silabus is interactive, collaborative, cooperative, and communicative.

  • Make sure that your silabus is fun, enjoyable, motivating, and inspiring.

To give you an example of silabus for English in tata boga smk, here is a sample of silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018 for English in tata boga smk.

Silabus Kurikulum 2013 Revisi 2017/2018 for English in Tata Boga SMK

Silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018 is a revised version of silabus that follows the latest curriculum issued by the Ministry of Education in 2017 and 2018. It aims to improve the quality and relevance of education by incorporating some changes and updates such as the integration of character education, literacy skills, higher-order thinking skills, 21st century skills, etc.

you need to follow this format:









Culinary Arts/Basic Cooking Skills/Knife Skills

Competency Standard/Basic Competency


3.1 Mengungkapkan makna dalam teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure dalam konteks kehidupan sehari-hari dan untuk mengakses ilmu pengetahuan.3.1.1 Menyusun teks fungsional pendek dan esei sederhana berbentuk descriptive dan procedure dengan memperhatikan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan, secara benar dan sesuai konteks.

Learning Material/Content/Concept/Skill/Attitude/Value

:- The definition and importance of knife skills in culinary arts.- The types and functions of kitchen knives.- The safety rules and precautions for using kitchen knives.- The techniques and methods for cutting, slicing, dicing, chopping, mincing, etc. with kitchen knives.- The descriptive and procedure text structures and language features.Time Allocation:4 x 45 minutesLearning Method/Strategy/Approach/Model:- Inquiry-based learning.- Cooperative learning.- Project-based learning.Learning Media/Resource/Tool/Device/Material:- Kitchen knives (real or simulated).- Cutting boards.- Fruits and vegetables.- Worksheets.- PowerPoint slides.- Videos.Learning Assessment/Instrument/Criteria/Indicator/Technique:- Written test (multiple choice, true/false, matching, fill in the blanks, short answer) on the definition, types, functions, safety rules, and techniques of kitchen knives.- Performance assessment (checklist, rubric) on the ability to use kitchen knives to cut, slice, dice, chop, mince, etc. fruits and vegetables.- Product assessment (rubric) on the quality of the descriptive and procedure texts about kitchen knives and knife skills.- Presentation assessment (rubric) on the oral or written presentation of the descriptive and procedure texts about kitchen knives and knife skills.

This is an example of silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018 for English in tata boga smk. You can use it as a reference or inspiration for creating your own silabus kurikulum 2013 revisi 2017/2018. However, you should not copy or plagiarize it as it is unethical and unprofessional. You should also modify or customize it according to your own situation or context.


In conclusion, rpp and silabus are important documents that guide the teaching and learning process of English in tata boga smk. They provide a clear direction, structure, standard, and evaluation for both teachers and students. They also ensure that the learning outcomes are aligned with the curriculum, competencies, indicators, materials, methods, media, assessment, and reflection.

To develop and implement rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk, you need to follow some steps and procedures that involve planning, designing, executing, monitoring, evaluating, revising, and reporting. You also need to consider some factors that influence the quality and effectiveness of your rpp and silabus, such as the needs analysis, situational analysis, contextual analysis, learner analysis, teacher analysis, etc.

To create effective and engaging rpp and silabus for English in tata boga smk, you need to consider some tips and tricks that involve making your rpp and silabus clear, concise, complete, coherent, consistent, and correct; relevant, realistic, rigorous, responsive, and reflective; flexible, adaptable, modifiable, and customizable; creative, innovative, original, and unique; interactive, collaborative, cooperative, and communicative; fun, enjoyable, motivating, and inspiring.

We hope that this article has helped you


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